Helping Kids With Wobbly Spelling is written for individuals who struggle with spelling and have tried other methods without success. It is also aimed at the learner's adult helpers, who may feel unsure as to what approach could be more effective.
The method is flexible enough to suit any age. It can easily be adapted if anything doesn't seem age appropriate.
You can buy a copy directly from Inki Publications and pay via Paypal. Or you can order a copy from Amazon UK. The book is published without profit.
This book uses a unique spelling method called 'Pick & Stick'. At first the helper will work in partnership with the learner, but this method quickly allows the learner to become independent.
A willing learner and an adult helper, plus some scrap paper, coloured pens/ highlighters and a notebook.
Helping Kids With Wobbly Spelling gives you tips to help your learner prepare for and enjoy the tasks ahead. It demonstrates strategies for motivation, concentration and relaxation that you can do together.
It uses sound, images, colour, touch and movement. This really fixes spellings in your memory, as they are stored in different parts of the brain.
The learner finds an imaginative personal solution to the target word.
Pupils (supported by the helper) learn to use their own experiences and knowledge as an anchor for learning a new word.
The learner doesn't learn anything new until previous learning is solid. Often children feel rushed at school to tackle new information before old information is consolidated. Learnt words are stored in a personal 'bank' of words. The bank of words will grow slowly at first and then faster and faster, as the method rolls out.
It is likely that your learner will feel conflicted about getting help to tackle their spelling. They may fear change, failure or shame, but they wish for these problems to magically go away. In Helping Kids With Wobbly Spelling, we show how to launch a 'spelling habit' including a motivation, trigger, routine and reward system. Plus, the learner takes an active part in the programme, by choosing the words that are important to them and one of the seven memory strategies that works best for them.
We never rush the learner, as this method is about deep learning. The bank of known spellings will grow slowly at first and then faster and faster, as the method rolls out. Changes in mindset might be noticeable after a few weeks.